Thursday, July 26, 2012

A New Start

August is the month of fresh beginnings. For the past two months, we’ve been giving ‘er gas but the car’s been in park. As the summer schedule winds down to a close and the kids head back to school, the opportunity to plug in and grow is readily available. We’ll begin our Wednesday night activities on the fourth Wednesday night in August, the 22nd.

Over 11 families, including 14 students and 13 children, were a part of our church-wide mission trip to West Virginia during the latter part of July. Talk about an encouraging sign for the health and future of the church! The kids had a blast playing with and serving one another in tangible ways. I cannot be more proud or encouraged by our kids as they worked side by side with our adults. Many of our students took leadership roles in teaching in backyard Bible clubs and in creating puppet shows and activities for the group at the assisted living home we visited. I watched with wonder as two of our kids shared the Gospel with a new friend they met at one of the sites.

PBC is so blessed to have kids and students who desire to serve God by serving others. Continue to pray diligently for our kids and students. It’s evident that God is moving among His children. I encourage you to actively seek areas where you can assist these ministries and witness God’s movement first hand.