Monday, February 25, 2013

Taking Attendance

(These kiddos remind me of His faithfulness each and every week in Adventure Kids)

Lamentations 3:21-22 – “But this I call to mind, and therefore I have hope: The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; His mercies never come to an end…”

Amid dirty shoe-string tying and lunch packing, of getting stuck in the pick-up line traffic with a screaming baby, and trying to make it to work on time with “oh no, not again” spit up on your shirt, it’s easy to allow the very-real-but-far-less-tangible love and mercy of God to settle into the quiet backdrop of our too-busy lives.

This I call to mind.

It sounds quite simple, but we must make time to call our attention to the previous faithfulness of the One we claim to follow. Let our daily morning activity be as ordinary as taking attendance and naming the ways He has been faithful both to us and to His own glory.

Just how spring always knows when to show her face and to grace us with her newness and expectancy, so also do His mercies always come in the midst of our brokenness, tiredness, busy-ness, and monotony.

We are each responsible for intentionally reminding ourselves and each other of His steadfast love and unrelenting mercy. 

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